
Every Vow You Break – the photographs

Visuals are so important to me when I’m working. Here are some photographs that I had up[…]

Ooh la la

Here’s the French cover for CUCKOO. Elle est très belle, non? Out in March 2012, published by[…]

Is this a Novel?

So, here’s a sight to make Julie Cohen proud. Pink is one character’s back story, yellow is[…]

Best Laid Plans

So, I didn’t keep up my resolution to post here three times a week during NaNovember. Man,[…]

All Over the Place like a Bloody Great Rash

So it’s National Novel Writing Month again, and I seem to be all over the place talking[…]

A Great Book for Writers

I’ve just been reading this: Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell, and it’s kind of helping[…]

New Author Pics

So, I decided I’d like a new author pic, set outside on the beach, with a bit[…]

Poised, ready to dive in

Yesterday I lugged all 450 pages of the Every Vow You Break manuscript – with line-edits and[…]

Line Edit Fun

First, my excuses for not posting in over a month – ‘very bad for the blogging profile’[…]

Nearly There Now

Editor Leah got back with her notes for draft two of Every Vow You Break (formerly known[…]

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