When the first proof copies of Cuckoo were distributed, I likened the feeling to taking my knickers[…]
So, I didn’t keep up my resolution to post here three times a week during NaNovember. Man,[…]
I’ve just been reading this: Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell, and it’s kind of helping[…]
Yesterday I lugged all 450 pages of the Every Vow You Break manuscript – with line-edits and[…]
I’ve not been around for a while because, among other things, I have had my head down[…]
I just got my editor’s notes through, and I’m very excited. It has been a long wait,[…]
So, the verdict on the first draft of novel #2 is out. AgentSimon: “Fucking hellfire, that’s a[…]
I have finally stopped myself procrastinating and started the read through of draft one, novel #2. Before[…]
I have printed out my first draft of novel #2, and it comes to nearly 500 pages,[…]