Posts about Headline

Blog Tour Day 2: About the cover

Today’s blog tour stops off at From First Page to Last. This fantastic blog is the brainchild[…]


[portfolio_slideshow] Last week it was the launch party for TARNISHED, held at Brighton Waterstones. Despite the strange,[…]

TARNISHED publication day!

It’s a funny old business, publication day. Particularly when it’s your third book and you’re writing a[…]

About Plotting and Planning

Last week I ran a three-hour MA class on plotting at City University. Apart from being one[…]

Next Big Thing

Last week, Rosanna Ley tagged me in her blog for this, which is a sort of chain blog[…]

Why editors are important

When I finished the very first draft of my first novel Cuckoo at the end of NaNoWriMo[…]

Strangeness on a Train

I’m writing this the night before I appear on the Radio 4 Today Programme to talk about[…]

Julia and the Book Factory

On Friday I went with Sam Eades, my lovely publicist at Headline, to Clays printers in Bungay,[…]

Just a few tiny amendments…

Well, the WONDERFUL bound proofs of Every Vow You Break came through, and, as you can see,[…]

Best Laid Plans

So, I didn’t keep up my resolution to post here three times a week during NaNovember. Man,[…]