Posts about Sam Eades

Edinburgh Here I Come

I am SO EXCITED! During the Festival Fringe we have regularly rented a house or flat in[…]

Writing on Trains (again)

Amtrak have taken inspiration from the idea Sam Eades and I hatched for writers’ residencies on trains![…]

TARNISHED publication day!

It’s a funny old business, publication day. Particularly when it’s your third book and you’re writing a[…]

Launch a go-go

I’m very excited about the Every Vow You Break launch, which is happening on Tuesday 3rd April[…]

Julia and the Book Factory

On Friday I went with Sam Eades, my lovely publicist at Headline, to Clays printers in Bungay,[…]

What I Did Before My Holidays

From 19 – 22 July, I was at Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Writing Festival, appearing on the[…]

Parmesan? in a bookshop?

So it was my book launch on Friday. And what a night! Brighton Waterstone’s hosted the event,[…]

Busy busy

Guilt! Guilt! I’m a bad, infrequent blogger. I am busier than I ever thought it was possible[…]

Finally, at last, etc.

I have finally stopped myself procrastinating and started the read through of draft one, novel #2. Before[…]