Posts about Cuckoo

The Daughters by Julia Crouch

One Year, Two Books

How long does it take to write a novel? My first book Cuckoo took me my entire[…]

A Sense of Place

When I’m thinking of a new story, I usually start with a ‘what if’ question – what[…]

Rant on piracy

It seems a bit mealy minded to put up an angry post after such a long silence. The[…]

How NaNoWriMo stopped my fear and helped me find my fourth career

(This post expands on a NaNoWriMo pep talk I wrote a couple of years back). Are you[…]

The First Reader

When the first proof copies of Cuckoo were distributed, I likened the feeling to taking my knickers[…]


[portfolio_slideshow] Last week it was the launch party for TARNISHED, held at Brighton Waterstones. Despite the strange,[…]

About Plotting and Planning

Last week I ran a three-hour MA class on plotting at City University. Apart from being one[…]

Next Big Thing

Last week, Rosanna Ley tagged me in her blog for this, which is a sort of chain blog[…]

Why editors are important

When I finished the very first draft of my first novel Cuckoo at the end of NaNoWriMo[…]

Too Much to Do!

I have had an extremely busy week with my Every Vow You Break launch party on Tuesday[…]

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