Posts about Scrivener

The Daughters by Julia Crouch

One Year, Two Books

How long does it take to write a novel? My first book Cuckoo took me my entire[…]

About Plotting and Planning

Last week I ran a three-hour MA class on plotting at City University. Apart from being one[…]

Been a long time…

And this is a bit how I feel after emerging from two months of heavy-duty editing/major surgery[…]

A gamble

After a busy Christmas and New Year, I knew I had to buckle down to the second[…]

Editing for geeks

I have been a bit quiet of late because I am deep in editing mode, with a[…]

Thoughts about process

I have spent the last couple of days catching up on admin and reading, trying to flush[…]

So this is how it happens

Today, after a fruitless day yesterday where I wrote myself into a dark hole, (including some inappropriate[…]