
United Agents Press Release

I’m glad that this has come out. Simon says it means I can tell the world now.[…]

Going International

It looks like I might have a New York agent. This is getting to sound too swanky[…]

So farewell then, website designing

Today is possibly the last day I will spend wrestling with php and html. Well, the last[…]

Off to the opera

Go with Old Man and a group of family and friends to the Coliseum to see the[…]

Who was more excited?

Simon emails me and asks me this, after my editor, Leah Woodburn and I have finished our[…]

The deal is struck

So, Headline got back with a pre-emptive offer and, after a week of to-ing and fro-ing and[…]


I arrive early at the publishers’ office, which is a whole tower block on the Euston Road,[…]


The second publisher that gets CUCKOO is interested. The editor says she loved it because it is[…]

All Systems Go

So, on Simon’s advice, I have written a prologue, so that prospective publishers know that, despite the[…]

Oh No!

I thought that there were no novels called just CUCKOO. But I did a thorough search on[…]