
The First Draft Appears

That’s what it’s feeling like at the moment. I’m in a good spot after a slow summer,[…]

Summer’s over

So, I had a great summer, but I am so glad to be back in my studio,[…]

New York, New York!

The two weeks in upstate New York were entirely fruitful. An immersion in the sensory world was[…]

The research trip continues

We are over half way through our trip to New York. I have a load of notes,[…]

The Research Trip Begins

Novel #2 is set in upstate New York, in a fictional town based on a place where[…]

Things I have learned while copy editing

After two heads-down weeks, the final manuscript is scrawled on in purple pen, tippexed until it is[…]

Research field trip

I went to an old school reunion in Cambridge, where I met people I haven’t seen for[…]

The final edit is nigh

Since my self-edited third draft was submitted to my agent, CUCKOO has now gone through two edits[…]

Rubbish day’s work

After a 4,000 word corker of a Monday, Tuesday saw no words written at all, because I[…]

On the back boiler

I had a weekend of making notes. Little, tiny notes. I reach a stage with a project[…]